Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ride, Ray & my sister

Went fur a ride yesterday, had sum beans, cornbread... I wuz goin t' get a chocklit pie but they didn't have any eggs.

Margaret wuz goin' to ask me to add Ray's name to this.

I talked to my sister yesterday, she didn't have much t' say though.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

great restaurant, Steve & book, saw 'n logs

I wanna get back t' that restaurant we went to, that wuzza nice restaurant. I like the food that wuz 'n there, that wuz great! That wuz real good too!

You know when we wuz goin' out yesterday, Steve came up over 'at window, got 'em a book.

I ain't seen Steve this mornin', he must be saw 'n logs.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Shannon took us out

I had me a good hamburger last night with a salad, and rode around a lot, bought me one uv these... there's a new restaurant we went one uv them days when Shannnon took us out, and I tell you you talk about good ham and cheese sandwiches, they got 'em. They had sum old pictures right yonder where I wuz, some old ones man: Gunsmoke... I can't think uv the other 'un... Gunsmoke... I can't think uv the other 'un! I can't think now, but they had some nice old ones. I wish I had about half uv them.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Convertable & chocklit pie

I talked t' my sister.

One of the ladies who come over t' the house havva convertable. With the top down. Debbie came over. She goin' t' make me a chocklit pie.